God Heals. But Healing Isn’t Automatic.

Everyone has a God-given calling. Hurts hold people back. Pink and New™ helps Millennial and Gen Z women seek God for emotional healing, maintain their emotional health, and live out their God-given calling via courses, bible studies, prayer playlists, and more.

With Instructors From

...and more!

  • Modern Learning Formats

    Enjoy audio, video and bite-size reminders perfect for busy, modern women on the go. Listen on your commute, as you work out, during personal retreat days... or even during bathroom breaks at work when you need a reminder of God's goodness (we've been there!).

  • Designed for Millennials and Gen Zs

    We specialize in the topics that matter to women today, in partnership with pastors, youth and young adult ministries, women's ministries, and more. No topic is taboo—let's seek God for all our emotional health and healing needs.

  • Equipping You to Fulfill Your God-Given Calling

    Everyone has a God-given calling. Hurts hold people back. Let us support you in seeking God for emotional healing, maintaining your emotional health, and living out your God-given calling. You've been made for such a time as this.


“Your [content] has been absolutely helpful and inspiring to me, as I found it at a time when I was going through some serious emotional wreckage... a relationship left me feeling scarred, used, and empty. I was distant from God and didn't know how to seek Him or where to even start. At the same time, I was also desperate for emotional healing and restoration. Reading your post ... encouraged me to seek God humbly and persistently in my prayer life.”


“I went into this [course] with no expectations. I just wanted time with God. I was seeking answers on how to love my husband again after he broke our marriage vows and my trust. This [course] validated that my feelings are real and warranted, [and that I] have to heal at my own pace and not at the pace others require.”


“Every morning I wake up to check my Instagram, and every time I see your posts, I feel like God is talking to me, reminding me that He is there and He is faithful. I am suffering from depression and anxiety but I just want you to know that every time I see your posts, it reminds me that I am not alone [and] God is with me.”


“Through this course [Live Loved], God restored my ability to shed tears without fear of punishment or shame or embarrassment. ”


“[Your captions] are really heartwarming and I just feel the presence and love of Jesus with your posts. Lately, I've forgotten to talk to Him ... but I think your posts helped me realize things and made me come back to Him, talk to Him, pray for the world, pray for everything. Just wanna say thank you.”


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Check out our answers to the most frequently asked questions we've received since our launch.

  • Can we discuss the lessons?

    Currently the best way to discuss the lessons is via the ‘Discussion’ button within each lesson. However we are just getting started and look forward to offering more community features including forums, events, user generated content, and more. Reach out to us via email (info [at] pinkandnew.com) or DM (@pinkandnew) and let us know what you’d like to see! We'd love to hear from you.

  • Will you be offering courses on more topics?

    We are truly blessed that within the first two weeks alone, nearly 100 women in our community have shared the emotional health needs on their hearts with us. Thank you. We will be reviewing the submissions and praying over how we can best support our community. Want to share what’s on your heart? Reach out to us via email (info [at] pinkandnew.com) or DM (@pinkandnew).

  • Can I play the audio on my phone?

    Soon…! While our courses can be accessed via mobile web browser, it is easiest to access via a computer. However we are working to offer mobile access soon. Watch this space.

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