Course Curriculum

    1. Trailer: The Life You Long For (Audio)

    2. Trailer: The Life You Long For (Video)

    1. Walking with the Spirit: Cultivating Love, Joy, Peace, and Self-Control (Audio)

    2. Walking with the Spirit: Cultivating Love, Joy, Peace, and Self-Control (Video)

    1. Remaining on the Vine: Abiding in Jesus for Fruitful Living (Audio)

    2. Remaining on the Vine: Abiding in Jesus for Fruitful Living (Video)

    1. Growing Slow: The Journey to Fruitfulness in Jesus (Audio)

    2. Growing Slow: The Journey to Fruitfulness in Jesus (Video)

About This Course

  • 4 Lessons
  • Audio and Video
  • Sponsored by Youth Worker Community


Aliza, Youth Worker Community

Your host Aliza is part of Youth Worker Community, a leading Canadian ministry that exists to empower youth workers to help the next generation know Jesus. She is also a pastor at Mountainside Church in Dundas, Ontario, Canada.
Mountainside Church Dundas Canada logo
  • ​​Cultivating Love, Joy, Peace, and Self-Control

    Your desire for the fruits of the Spirit is God’s desire for you too.

  • Abiding in Jesus for Fruitful Living

    If you want to bear fruit, you have to stay on the vine.

  • The Journey to Fruitfulness in Jesus

    It’s okay to grow slow.

I’m Ready to Seek God about the Life I Long For