Course Curriculum

    1. Welcome to the Pink and New family! We're building this platform for you. Help us serve you by answering the questions below. Thank you, friends. 🫶

    1. In The Beginning (Full Teaching)

    2. How to See Yourself The Way God Sees You

    3. You Are Made in the Image of God

    4. Understanding How Our Spirit, Soul and Body Work Together

    5. What Does God Say About Femininity?

    6. Being a Helper... A Privilege?

    7. God Wants to Celebrate You Today

    8. How God Helped Eden Overcome An Obsession with Body Image (Testimony)

    1. The Wounded Woman (Full Teaching)

    2. Step Into Your Destiny Like Esther

    3. You Are Set Apart for a Bigger Plan

    4. How to Invite God to Heal Heart Wounds

    5. How God Healed Karen's Anxiety, Depression and 24/7 Fear of Failure (Testimony)

    1. The Guarded Places (Full Teaching)

    2. Why It's Important to Define Our Wounds

    3. Are You Blocking Your Healing By Keeping God Away from the Wound?

    4. You Can Change

    5. Women Are Wonderful

    6. Believe It: Transformation is Coming

    7. How God Healed Tracy from the Affects of Childhood Abuse (Testimony)

    1. How to Meet God Through Creativity (Full Teaching)

    2. You Can Heal Through Creativity

    3. God Will Show Up (Prayer)

    1. Like Mother, Like Daughter (Full Teaching)

    2. Understanding Generational Wounds

    3. How to Pray Over Wounds in Your Family Tree

    4. Seeking God for Generational Healing (Prayer)

    5. How God Healed Adeola After Her Mom Left (Testimony)

About This Course

  • 8 Lessons + 1 Journal
  • 48 Lesson Clips
  • Sponsored by Ellel Ministries Canada


Ellel Ministries Canada

At Pink and New, we are so excited to be partnering with Ellel Ministries Canada to distribute Live Loved. Meet your hosts... Tracy, Adeola, and Karen! These amazing women from Ellel all bring something unique to the table drawing from their own stories, testimonies, and healing journeys. With voices spanning multiple generations, cultures, and backgrounds, our hosts and several guest testimonies will help you experience what it looks like to seek God for emotional health and healing in order to live loved.
  • Heal on the Go

    Audio lessons and bite-size reminders perfect for busy, modern women on the go. Listen on your commute, as you work out... even during bathroom breaks at work (we've been there!).

  • Teachings, Prayers & Testimonies

    In addition to the teachings, be comforted by spoken prayers as well as testimonies from women who have learned to seek God for emotional health and healing.

  • Live Loved Journal

    Remember to download the Live Loved journal. It's been lovingly crafted to help you seek God as you work through the course. Enjoy teaching recaps, reflection questions, activities, and more.


“This course's material is so relevant to most women I know. God has worked through the team to deliver a professional and personable course. ”


“I went into this [course] with no expectations. I just wanted time with God. I was seeking answers on how to love my husband again after he broke our marriage vows and my trust. This [course] validated that my feelings are real and warranted, [and that I] have to heal at my own pace and not at the pace others require.”


“Through this course, God restored my ability to shed tears without fear of punishment or shame or embarrassment. ”


“This course reminded me that I am a daughter of God and loved and blessed with his Holy Spirit, which I can wear like a shield of protection.”


“In the 'How to Go Deeper With God' session, I wrote down many why questions. The Lord brought to mind a time when I was very young that my emotions were ridiculed by my father. I was able to invite the Lord to be Lord over my emotions and reactions.”


I Want to Seek God for Emotional Health and Healing